"Geoff? How're You Doing? Oh, And ... I Hate You"
That is, in essence, the beginning of every conversation I've had with one of my best friends for the last two months. Here's the deal: Geoff is a great guy who's done me more favors than I really deserve, and two months ago I was messing around with a comic board with a drawing of Wolverine and it was turning out great. So, I figured that I'd give Geoff a call and offer the drawing to him. I also thought of putting "The Maxx" (an obscure Image character that Geoff liked in High School that was created by Sam Keith) in the drawing as well. Belinda, Geoff's wife, agreed that it would be something that he liked.
So here's what it looks like so far (total amount of hours worked on it so far: way, way too many).

So here's where it get's sticky, folks. I'm gonna finish this drawing in the next week or so, and give it to Geoff as a gift. Do you think that he should put the finished work in a place of prominence in his house? I told him that if I see it in either a cheap Wal-Mart frame or above the toilet in his bathroom that I'll skin him alive and make a trenchcoat out of the remains. Does that sound fair?
I know Geoff'll love it, whether it's a two-minute sketch or a finished drawing, but the main reason that I get mad at him is that this is turning out to be the best drawing I've ever done as far as detail is concerned, and I'M GIVING IT AWAY! I didn't think that it would be turning out as well as it is, and it eats at me that I can't keep it for myself... I'm a greedy bastard, aren't I?
Ah well, at least I can get it scanned at Kinko's or something to make a poster out of it or something.
So here's what it looks like so far (total amount of hours worked on it so far: way, way too many).

So here's where it get's sticky, folks. I'm gonna finish this drawing in the next week or so, and give it to Geoff as a gift. Do you think that he should put the finished work in a place of prominence in his house? I told him that if I see it in either a cheap Wal-Mart frame or above the toilet in his bathroom that I'll skin him alive and make a trenchcoat out of the remains. Does that sound fair?
I know Geoff'll love it, whether it's a two-minute sketch or a finished drawing, but the main reason that I get mad at him is that this is turning out to be the best drawing I've ever done as far as detail is concerned, and I'M GIVING IT AWAY! I didn't think that it would be turning out as well as it is, and it eats at me that I can't keep it for myself... I'm a greedy bastard, aren't I?
Ah well, at least I can get it scanned at Kinko's or something to make a poster out of it or something.