"Ladies and Gentlemen... Joe!"

Hey everyone, say hi to Joe (never mind that he looks high, he isn't)! For those of you who don't know already, Joe is my room-mate, a First-Generation American whose parents comes from the original home of the car bomb and drive-by: Sicily! Prior to living in the desert hell-hole in which he now resides, he was born and raised in sunny San Diego, California, and is a graduate of San Diego State State University (you can kind of tell from the "San Diego Aztecs" License Plate placard on his Honda). Joe is pretty funny, and works as an Air-Traffic Controller in Palmdale... but wait, there's more! He's also single, ladies!
You see that laptop computer in the background? That's where he spends most of his time when he's off work; honing his Texas Hold 'Em skills like a card-weilding Bruce Lee with Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome. Blue-Hairs of the world, tremble in fear! This quite, gentle soul holds the heart of a card-shark from New Jersey, with the cooking skills of a drunken Emeril on a steady drip of Thorazine!!!
Okay, that's a bit much... I think I need to get something to eat, my Blood Sugar is probably getting low. Hold on a minute...
(Eats the Spaghetti left-overs from Dinner at his girlfriends place last night like a pack of ravening wolves while taking deep gulps of Mountain Dew; making his co-workers uncomfortable by groaning and giggling to himself nervously.)
Whew, okay... I'm feeling a little better, so I guess that I should continue, huh?
Anyway, Josephus likes Slayer (A LOT) and generally digs Heavy Metal in general. He has also developed quite an addiction to eating at Rubio's in the last few months; almost to the point where he feels the urge to hide his addiction by burying the the Black plastic containers all the way at the bottom of the trash can in the kitchen. I would do an intervention, but short of putting an electric collar around his neck like a Dog that needs to be house-trained, I've got no idea what to do. Besides, it seems to make him happy... so I'll let him have his fun, as long as I don't get my hands bit... again. I mean, once was enough for me to learn my lesson!
Seriously, Joe is a really cool room-mate to have, since he pays his rent and portion of the bills on time, and when he occasionally makes one of the three pasta dishes that he's mastered with either Cucumber or Romaine salads, he offers me some... and that's pretty cool as far as I'm concerned. Top off all of that with a great, dry sense of humor, and it's all good. Who'd have thought that a Sicilian and an Irishman would get along so well? I didn't think there would be a problem, and guess what? There wasn't!
Here's to ya, Joe!