Wednesday, June 25, 2008

We'll Miss You, George...

When I heard yesterday that a personal hero of mine - George Carlin - died, it really crushed me.

Most people that know me personally know that I am a deep fan of Stand-Up Comics. Among my favorites have been Bill Cosby, Richard Pryor, George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Marc Maron, Dennis Miller (before he went all "Right-Wingy" on us), Bill Hicks, David Cross, Dave Attell and on and on and on...

George was the first comic that I remember that was saying what I thought about the world, from Religion and Politics to the little and/or big crap we all experience. To me, the world is lessened by his absence, and I don't know how to truly express how I feel about a man that showed great personal strength of character and stuck to the truth of his convictions when it came to what he believed.

I have six albums and four CD's that he produced, and every one of them is a work of modern comic genius... even if some of them were produced in the years before and slightly after my birth.

From the people that I've known that have met George, they have all told me about what a gentle, caring and considerate person he was, and how his public face was merely a reaction to the bullshit in American society.

So I hope that this short post does you justice, George...

An entire nation of Americans mourns for you, as does the rest of the world. Hopefully, we'll help to make this world a better one due to your observations and opinions, and how they deeply affected us.

We hope to see you again soon, George... because we'll need you.
