"The Project II"
First up, "The Clicker":

The Clicker's job is similar to the job of a Bugler in the Civil War; he relays troop movements over a long distance to other regiments in order to orchestrate attacks. He has no lower jaw with a massive tongue that slaps against the roof of his mouth at high speed, producing incredibly loud clicks, much like Morse Code.
And now for our next contestant:

Certain characters can channel a certain Animal, or "Totem" to aid them in situations of extreme duress. Some can channel Wolves, others can channel Mountain Lions... this guy can channel Monkeys. Monkeys may seem like a pussy animal to some people, but in truth, Monkey are some of the most dangerous creatures on this planet. They adapt, they use the environment to their advantage and they like to throw crap at their opponents.
Our character doesn't do that last thing, but who would want to be bit by him... I mean, honestly?!
Remember, that this last one is only a concept drawing, and has a few modifications left in it...
I hope you guys like 'em!