"Todd's Post-Election Wrap-Up"
It's been a while since I wrote anything here, hasn't it? I'm sorry, but I've been incredibly busy for the last couple of weeks and I haven't had the time.
But, I do at the moment, so why the hell not?!
Okay, so we had an election last week, huh? Was anybody truly surprised by the fact that the Democrats won?! Well, I mean besides most of the mainstream media outlets, that is.
A lot of the news pundits have opined that it's a huge shock, but to be quite frank, those fuckin' idiots are clueless. Many of them like to think that Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the reason for the shift, but they're not... at least, not entirely. I think that all the scandals that have erupted out of Washington, DC had more to do with it than anything.
Let's see... Foley was hitting on Paiges, Randy "Duke" Cunningham was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, the War in Iraq is an unsolveable mess, Cheney shot his buddy in the face with a shotgun while "Hunting", illegal, no-bid-contracts have been issued with impunity to Halliburton, the 2000 and 2004 Election Fraud scandals, the Abramhoff scandal involving money from Indian Casinos, Warrantless wire-tapping, Senator Allen and his stupid "Macaca" comment... the list is seemingly un-ending, isn't it?
Well, this is what happens when you allow the same group of self-serving pricks to run the Legislative Branch for 12 years, now isn't it? The Democrats lost the Majority of the House and Senate in 1994 because of scandals, so why would we suspect the Republicans to be any better?
Folks, I'm an Independent, which means that I think that both parties have some stuff to work on before I'd become a member.
For instance, in order for me to join the Republican Party (however unlikely that is) they'd have to kick all the religious nuts out of their party and stop using the Bible as a rationale for their bullshit, such as opposing Gay Marriage, Abortion Rights... you know, social issues. Also, they'd have to become a party for the working man and woman, and stop so obviously sucking up to the wealthiest people in this country. There were great Republicans in the party that I admired, such as Barry Goldwater, who thought that it was Government's role to leave people the fuck alone and take care of things that are actually important, such as the National Budget. Those guys and girls are few and far between in that party now, and in order to return to power, they need to come back to that.
In order to join the Democratic Party, they'd have to more visibly show that they have a spine all the time, not just when it's politically convenient for them to do so. I gave the Democrats a lot of passes on some of their fuck-ups in the last couple of years, just because they were the Minority in the House and Senate, but that time's passed. In order for them to get the ball rolling on the things that need to change in this country, they need to show us all that they've got balls, and that they're not afraid to use them. Start the impeachment ball rolling, form commissions to investigate all the war profitteering that takes good protection and weapons from our troops and puts the cash in the hand of the contractors there, the war itself, and the incompetence of the intelligence that lead to the war being sold to us in the first place.
You guys accomplish that, and I'll be happy.
You know, the surprising thing for me regarding this election isn't that the Democrats won, it's that people actually voted for the good of their country instead of voting for their own self-intrests for once. I've always said that if people voted for the good of the country, we'd all be much better off.
Looks like a lot of people snapped out of it on November 7th... good for you.
More importantly? Good for all of us...
But, I do at the moment, so why the hell not?!
Okay, so we had an election last week, huh? Was anybody truly surprised by the fact that the Democrats won?! Well, I mean besides most of the mainstream media outlets, that is.
A lot of the news pundits have opined that it's a huge shock, but to be quite frank, those fuckin' idiots are clueless. Many of them like to think that Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the reason for the shift, but they're not... at least, not entirely. I think that all the scandals that have erupted out of Washington, DC had more to do with it than anything.
Let's see... Foley was hitting on Paiges, Randy "Duke" Cunningham was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, the War in Iraq is an unsolveable mess, Cheney shot his buddy in the face with a shotgun while "Hunting", illegal, no-bid-contracts have been issued with impunity to Halliburton, the 2000 and 2004 Election Fraud scandals, the Abramhoff scandal involving money from Indian Casinos, Warrantless wire-tapping, Senator Allen and his stupid "Macaca" comment... the list is seemingly un-ending, isn't it?
Well, this is what happens when you allow the same group of self-serving pricks to run the Legislative Branch for 12 years, now isn't it? The Democrats lost the Majority of the House and Senate in 1994 because of scandals, so why would we suspect the Republicans to be any better?
Folks, I'm an Independent, which means that I think that both parties have some stuff to work on before I'd become a member.
For instance, in order for me to join the Republican Party (however unlikely that is) they'd have to kick all the religious nuts out of their party and stop using the Bible as a rationale for their bullshit, such as opposing Gay Marriage, Abortion Rights... you know, social issues. Also, they'd have to become a party for the working man and woman, and stop so obviously sucking up to the wealthiest people in this country. There were great Republicans in the party that I admired, such as Barry Goldwater, who thought that it was Government's role to leave people the fuck alone and take care of things that are actually important, such as the National Budget. Those guys and girls are few and far between in that party now, and in order to return to power, they need to come back to that.
In order to join the Democratic Party, they'd have to more visibly show that they have a spine all the time, not just when it's politically convenient for them to do so. I gave the Democrats a lot of passes on some of their fuck-ups in the last couple of years, just because they were the Minority in the House and Senate, but that time's passed. In order for them to get the ball rolling on the things that need to change in this country, they need to show us all that they've got balls, and that they're not afraid to use them. Start the impeachment ball rolling, form commissions to investigate all the war profitteering that takes good protection and weapons from our troops and puts the cash in the hand of the contractors there, the war itself, and the incompetence of the intelligence that lead to the war being sold to us in the first place.
You guys accomplish that, and I'll be happy.
You know, the surprising thing for me regarding this election isn't that the Democrats won, it's that people actually voted for the good of their country instead of voting for their own self-intrests for once. I've always said that if people voted for the good of the country, we'd all be much better off.
Looks like a lot of people snapped out of it on November 7th... good for you.
More importantly? Good for all of us...