"Geoff? How're You Doing? Oh, And ... I Hate You"
That is, in essence, the beginning of every conversation I've had with one of my best friends for the last two months. Here's the deal: Geoff is a great guy who's done me more favors than I really deserve, and two months ago I was messing around with a comic board with a drawing of Wolverine and it was turning out great. So, I figured that I'd give Geoff a call and offer the drawing to him. I also thought of putting "The Maxx" (an obscure Image character that Geoff liked in High School that was created by Sam Keith) in the drawing as well. Belinda, Geoff's wife, agreed that it would be something that he liked.
So here's what it looks like so far (total amount of hours worked on it so far: way, way too many).

So here's where it get's sticky, folks. I'm gonna finish this drawing in the next week or so, and give it to Geoff as a gift. Do you think that he should put the finished work in a place of prominence in his house? I told him that if I see it in either a cheap Wal-Mart frame or above the toilet in his bathroom that I'll skin him alive and make a trenchcoat out of the remains. Does that sound fair?
I know Geoff'll love it, whether it's a two-minute sketch or a finished drawing, but the main reason that I get mad at him is that this is turning out to be the best drawing I've ever done as far as detail is concerned, and I'M GIVING IT AWAY! I didn't think that it would be turning out as well as it is, and it eats at me that I can't keep it for myself... I'm a greedy bastard, aren't I?
Ah well, at least I can get it scanned at Kinko's or something to make a poster out of it or something.
So here's what it looks like so far (total amount of hours worked on it so far: way, way too many).

So here's where it get's sticky, folks. I'm gonna finish this drawing in the next week or so, and give it to Geoff as a gift. Do you think that he should put the finished work in a place of prominence in his house? I told him that if I see it in either a cheap Wal-Mart frame or above the toilet in his bathroom that I'll skin him alive and make a trenchcoat out of the remains. Does that sound fair?
I know Geoff'll love it, whether it's a two-minute sketch or a finished drawing, but the main reason that I get mad at him is that this is turning out to be the best drawing I've ever done as far as detail is concerned, and I'M GIVING IT AWAY! I didn't think that it would be turning out as well as it is, and it eats at me that I can't keep it for myself... I'm a greedy bastard, aren't I?
Ah well, at least I can get it scanned at Kinko's or something to make a poster out of it or something.
Make a poster for yourself hon,
you should at least keep a copy of it.
It is very nice! One day I will try the art thing out... so far I am not to artistic. Looks like you have some real talent though.
Got to run though it is the day of the wedding I am a bridesmaid in... but I will check in later..lol.
Hmm, trenchcoat, trenchcoat..... Is he tall? 'Cause you are, and if he's not, a knee length trenchcoat is SO 5 minutes ago.... Maybe a bowling bag and a matching hat? Or just a simple jacket and some shoes and a nice belt?
Wow it's great! If Geoff doesn't want it, I'll take it!!
You an X-Men fan? I have been since 1976... I started buying at issue 102. I still have them. If I had kept them in plastic bags, I would probably be able to pay off my mortgage with them. But. alas they have been read and folded throughout the years...
Shmamber: Yeah, I was thinking about making a poster out of it... it'd probably look cool on a decent weight of paper that they'd have at Kinko's or something. Maybe even make a series of prints out of the scan and sell them to people. That would make Geoff's original even more cool, I'd think.
Eryc: I think Geoff's a couple inches shorter than I am... the bowling bag is a nice idea, though... I'll have to chew on that one for a minute.
GW: Yep, I've been an X-Men fan since I was a little kid. It's primarily how got an interest in reading, and how I learned to read at the level I do now. I've been drawing comic characters (not that great a first, really) since I was three years old, so I've got a little better over the years. Oddly enough, I've always had problems with drawing Wolverine. I think that it's the hair. I don't know how John Byrne did that so well for so long... maybe it has something to do with him being from Canada...
Don't worry Todd, I'll let you come over and gaze upon it's amazing beauty as it rests in it special place of honor, thumb-tacked up next to the "Mustang Parking Only" sign in the garage. Trust me, there's no one else's art there...
In all seriousness, bro, it's looking great. I'll definitely scan the image in, make a nice hi-rez image that you can do what you want with. And even though I don't always have time to comment, I do enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work, meu camara.
Quit trying to show off your feeble grasp of Brazilian Portuguese, Geoff... it makes me look bad.
However, I'm glad that you finally stopped by to look at the crappy picture I was able to take with the "Digital" Camera that we have in our office. I swear, that camera has to be cranked on like an old Model T.
And don't worry, as you're thumb-tacking this to the wall, I'll club you over the head with an old table-leg made of Red Oak. That'll learn ya some respect!
Thanks for stopping by, man... Adeus.
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