Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I've found that a great deal of the stuff that I write and think in my personal life ends up coming true despite what I'd like to have happen.

For Instance:

I've learned that when somebody says that they're going to call you at 10:20 PM, and you haven't heard anything by 10:30 PM? They're either going to fuck you over, or they're going to let you down. And do you know at what age I learned this Arcane Discipline?

At the tender age of 9.

Shocking? Hold on, my vigilant reader, I've got more.

You see, I've been able to tell what to expect from people based off of having known them for a mere ten minutes.

During that basic chat-up that we all have with people when we first meet them, you have an opportunity to get our only honest answers from them, despite what they may think.

So here's a series of questions to ask someone, and I'll explain why they're significant later on.

1.) "So, where're you from?"

This is a particularly pointed question that draws out honesty from a complete stranger, often without them even knowing it. As the profiling Modus Operandi goes, when someone looks around before answering the question? They're lying through their teeth. Also, if they lean in to answer their question, they're equally full of shit. How can you know for sure? Know a little about the neighborhood before hand, and ask them about this mall or that street, that's how. If this person passes these two tests, let it go at face value and move on... trust me, if they're lying you'll find out later.

2.) "What music are you into?"

Oh, boy... this one is easy to lie your way through. If you both share a common affinity for a certain type of music (I'll use Underground HipHop in this instance, since I know it well), make sure to ask about well-known artists, but throw in a few non-existant Emcees to throw them off their game. If they say they know about the dude's that don't really exist, name random song titles and say how much the message meant to you, and how it reflected a difficult time in your life. If the other person says that they relate to the same experience conveyed in the song, don't expect any honesty from this human being across the table from you. They're more full of feces then a Port-A-Potty at a NASCAR race in Jacksonville, North Carolina.

3.) "Random Subject"

Pick a subject at random, and see if they're interested in it. For me? The perfect question is a leading question about Religous Ideology. It's a good idea to find out where someone stands on your chosen invisible-man-in-the-sky before you embark on the salty seas of an emotional union. Me, I'm an Atheist (as if you guys don't know already), so I'm leery of women who go over the top and and talk about how Jesus (although he was a great guy) is their personal Lord and Savior. I haven't met too many women who were Muslim, Jewish (they were pretty cool though, since my Mom and Step-Dad are Jews), Buddhist or Pseudo-Spiritualists. Christians tend to dominate this arena, but I often find that they became full-blown-I-wanna-testify-born-again-nutbar-Non-Denominational-"Christians" unless they really fucked up their lives at one point, and dived into the church instead of just going to a fucking twelve-step meeting at AA or NA and really dealt with their problems. I'm not picking on Christianity exclusively, it just seems that a majority of hypocrites flock to the more Fundamentalist part of it, and hang on like a newborn Chimp clutches to it's mother's teats.

I know that I've been remiss in my posting duties as of late, but I'd like to say that I really appreciate all of you that check up on this Blog from time to time to see what I have to say, and post comments. especially Shmamber and GodWhacker, who've been real champs when it comes to sending people over here, and leaving concerned and heart-felt comments about what's up with me lately. I've been having some personal problems lately, and they've taken me a while to crawl out of. I'll probably post something about them soon, as I always do, as soon as I'm ready to.

However, I'd like to make a personal announcement to a certain Spam poster into my "Comments" section:

Look, I know that you really don't know how to write or speak English, but stop fucking posting ads for fuckin' Cialis, or whatever you think is going to make you're uneducated ass rich on my fuckin' Blog! Get your own, dip ship! Guess what? They're free!

If I get one more fucking Spam from you, I'm going to contact the Goddamn administator for our hosting service and have your ISP address locked out from further access! Do you get it now?! This is a Blog that addesses current Political topics and Personals observations, SO PISS THE FUCK OFF!!!

Otherwise, for those of you out there that I actually care about, if you don't hear from me sooner, have a great vacation period because of the Winter Holidays, and I hope you have a good time.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

".....salty seas of an emotional union." .....dirty....

8:39 AM  

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