"A Gift From God?"
There have been a lot of times when someone would see me drawing and told me, "Y'know, that talent for drawing is a gift from God."
Well, not quite... and here's why... and I know some of you may be thinking that because I'm an Atheist, that I may be just trying to contradict a person of faith, but I'm not.
My Mom used to be a very talented painter growing up, but sacrificed that talent for the sake of raising my sister and me. My Father is also an artist; having done very good illustrations of 40's, 50's and 60's-era Fords and Chevy's that he likes. Unfortunately, he sacrificed that talent to be a Marine for 20 years... I'm not sure if he still draws, but I guess that I'll ask him when I talk to him this weekend and make an update to this posting next week.
What I'm trying to say is: The key here is Genetics; I'm artistically inclined by my genetic link to two parents that were also inclined to be creative.
As most kids do, at the age of three, I started drawing. Of course, those were inept, kiddy-drawings, but as I got older I did what many of us don't: I kept drawing. I'm sure that most of us have a Mom or Dad that kept some of our drawings and Macaroni-Noodle Necklaces that we did as kids, and my Mom and Dad are no different. But there was something in me that forced me to continue to draw; maybe it was because I'm an Introverted Loner, maybe it was because I was simply a shy kid who found it awkward to voice his opinions, but the main thing is that I kept drawing.
I like to tell people that if you can draw a Straight Line, Circle, Triangle and Square, they can be just as good as me, all they have to do is decide to put the effort in on a regular basis. The problem is that most people don't want to invest the time and effort into doing this kind of stuff, because the "Responsible" part of their minds keep constantly yelling, "Hey! What the hell are you doin'?! You aren't gonna make money doin' this shit, so why do you do it?!"
I have that same voice in my head, and it sounds strangely like Gilbert Gottfried... and the voice also tells me to kill hookers, but that's beside the point, now isn't it?
Here's an example of what I mean (and keep in mind that I'm not a big fan of the Middle Finger, but it works as an example):

This drawing (inspired by a photo by Audrey_Marie @ DeviantArt.com, and frankly this drawing doesn't do her justice) is nothing more than a series of Straight and Curved Lines, Triangles, Circles and Squares. I'd show you what I mean further, but apparently the photo upload tool has taken a shit... sorry.
There are people that are creative, and there are people who aren't, and I happen to be one of those people that's creative. Some people think that being creative would be fun, but I find that my mind does more than it should, and I have trouble shutting it off in order to get a decent night's rest. Not in an ADHD kind of way that is, most of the time it's a benefit, but it would be nice if I could turn it down once and a while.
Also, there are sometimes expectations that if you're an artist, that you sell yourself out in order to do Commercial art, such as Animation or Commercial Design. Personally, I find that I hate doing other people's ideas, even if they pay me well, because it isn't inspiring enough for me. It's kind of like the way that I can't stand other bands doing established cover songs... I know that it sells, but for Christ's sake, if you can't be successful doing your own material, you probably lack the talent to be a big hit. Art is the same way; trying to do something that has probably been done in a way that's an original statement (or expression) of who you are as a person.
So, I'm a "Broke Artist", but at least I get to do what I like, when I like, and I don't answer to anyone... sure, a regular check would be nice, but I'd rather be satisfied with what I do...
... and I am.
If you guys would like me to post more art, I'd be happy to. Also, as with my written material, I'll take requests.
Have a great week, everyone.
Well, not quite... and here's why... and I know some of you may be thinking that because I'm an Atheist, that I may be just trying to contradict a person of faith, but I'm not.
My Mom used to be a very talented painter growing up, but sacrificed that talent for the sake of raising my sister and me. My Father is also an artist; having done very good illustrations of 40's, 50's and 60's-era Fords and Chevy's that he likes. Unfortunately, he sacrificed that talent to be a Marine for 20 years... I'm not sure if he still draws, but I guess that I'll ask him when I talk to him this weekend and make an update to this posting next week.
What I'm trying to say is: The key here is Genetics; I'm artistically inclined by my genetic link to two parents that were also inclined to be creative.
As most kids do, at the age of three, I started drawing. Of course, those were inept, kiddy-drawings, but as I got older I did what many of us don't: I kept drawing. I'm sure that most of us have a Mom or Dad that kept some of our drawings and Macaroni-Noodle Necklaces that we did as kids, and my Mom and Dad are no different. But there was something in me that forced me to continue to draw; maybe it was because I'm an Introverted Loner, maybe it was because I was simply a shy kid who found it awkward to voice his opinions, but the main thing is that I kept drawing.
I like to tell people that if you can draw a Straight Line, Circle, Triangle and Square, they can be just as good as me, all they have to do is decide to put the effort in on a regular basis. The problem is that most people don't want to invest the time and effort into doing this kind of stuff, because the "Responsible" part of their minds keep constantly yelling, "Hey! What the hell are you doin'?! You aren't gonna make money doin' this shit, so why do you do it?!"
I have that same voice in my head, and it sounds strangely like Gilbert Gottfried... and the voice also tells me to kill hookers, but that's beside the point, now isn't it?
Here's an example of what I mean (and keep in mind that I'm not a big fan of the Middle Finger, but it works as an example):

This drawing (inspired by a photo by Audrey_Marie @ DeviantArt.com, and frankly this drawing doesn't do her justice) is nothing more than a series of Straight and Curved Lines, Triangles, Circles and Squares. I'd show you what I mean further, but apparently the photo upload tool has taken a shit... sorry.
For once, my personal laziness isn't the cause for something not getting done... what else do you expect from a free service?
I did this drawing in about 40 minutes, Ink included. It would look better if I didn't have to work with fine-tip and fat-tip Sharpie markers, a crappy black ink office pen and an old automatic pencil, but what can you do? It's spontaneous, so you've gotta improvise... you know, like that dude on SG-1's old character from that show in the 80's.There are people that are creative, and there are people who aren't, and I happen to be one of those people that's creative. Some people think that being creative would be fun, but I find that my mind does more than it should, and I have trouble shutting it off in order to get a decent night's rest. Not in an ADHD kind of way that is, most of the time it's a benefit, but it would be nice if I could turn it down once and a while.
Also, there are sometimes expectations that if you're an artist, that you sell yourself out in order to do Commercial art, such as Animation or Commercial Design. Personally, I find that I hate doing other people's ideas, even if they pay me well, because it isn't inspiring enough for me. It's kind of like the way that I can't stand other bands doing established cover songs... I know that it sells, but for Christ's sake, if you can't be successful doing your own material, you probably lack the talent to be a big hit. Art is the same way; trying to do something that has probably been done in a way that's an original statement (or expression) of who you are as a person.
So, I'm a "Broke Artist", but at least I get to do what I like, when I like, and I don't answer to anyone... sure, a regular check would be nice, but I'd rather be satisfied with what I do...
... and I am.
If you guys would like me to post more art, I'd be happy to. Also, as with my written material, I'll take requests.
Have a great week, everyone.
Hmmmm have you ever thought that God created Genetics too?
Nah I am just teasing... You do have a talent and you should post more pictures... I would love to see them.
No..he wouldn't think like that
Ah Shmamber... my favorite Canadian, always asking the tough questions!
And no, I wouldn't think that, but you're just poking fun, so it's all good.
Hey Todd ~ love the art. Is it a gift from god? What is the quote about 1 part inspiration and 9 parts perspiration?
Okay Todd it has been nearly a month since your last posting and I think you promised... okay you didn't promist but you said you would post more art... where is it??
Hahaha... If I come back here and see the same dam post I am going to scream!!
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