Tuesday, September 19, 2006

"Todd Says What's On His Mind?"

I posted this today at Yahoo! in a "Discussion" (Read: One-Sided Debates that Neo-Conservatives Monopolize) Boards. I figured that since I haven't posted anything in a little while, it would only be fair.

Here's the link to the article if you're curious.

by: demonsmile_2000
09/19/06 02:50 pm
Msg: 208 of 208

"I decided to read this article this morning and then read the "Discuss" area second, as I normally do, to see what everyone else thought.As usual, it was a lot of Xenophobic ("Neo-Con is just a word used by the Jews" for example) and paranoid-delusional bullshit from a bunch of guys (I'm assuming they're guys, of course) dog-piling on a lone "Liberal" who thinks that John McCain is on the right track on trying to make torture (the key word here) harder to get away with.

After about fifteen or so responses -all of which sounded the same- I decided to skip to the most recent postings of the 150 or so that existed.

I'm a Veteran, and I find that the people that are getting so pissed about Torture being specified as specific acts ("Stress Positions", "Waterboarding", etc), and then clarifying that those acts are illegal by our having signed on to the Geneva Conventions all those years ago have rarely, if ever, served in the U.S. military. The Geneva Convention isn't mentioned in the Constitution for obvious reasons (since it didn't exist at the time), but since the United States signed the International Treaty, we are held liable to follow the rules and regulations of that treaty as if they were our law.

Now, if everyone wants us not to be held accountable under the Geneva Conventions, and allow our Soldiers, Agents or Special Operators to torture people regardless of our international standing, than move to a country that does, since this country is supposed to have principles and morals that it adheres to, and the last time I checked, torture and open-ended imprisonment of foreigners suspected of an act that they have yet to be proven of doing or tried on isn't part of what makes this country so great.

I'm a Liberal, yes, and I don't give a shit if anyone knows it, but I'm smart enough to know what a "Pussy" is, and what a "Rational Thinker" is. A coward hides for no reason other than fear; but to weather a never-ending tide of B.S. being slung by the most ignorant and easily-influenced of us and standing up for what's right isn't cowardice.

In the case of John McCain, I would think that taking advice on whether torturing someone is an efficient way of getting information from someone who's already experienced it first hand is common sense, but then again, that's just me. Being that all the Vietnamese got out of McCain (after 5 years of torture) was the names of the Offensive Line of the Green Bay Packers, I would say it's pretty obvious that it's not."

Let me know if anyone shares an opinion with me on this... hell, if you don't, let me know too!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this issue clealy shows that sick bastards are running the country. They don't really think they are going to get any information out of these guys. They are just dyeing to try out those new spiked dildos the Pentagon has been loading up on.

How do you say "relax" in Farsi?

9:08 PM  

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