"Todd's 'Talking Point To Avoid!' - The October 2006 Edition"
"In a Post-9/11 World..."
Some of you may be thinking, "Hey, that's a good one, why not?" Why? Because it's pathetic that five years after a bunch of crazy religious fanatics took down the towers, all that's left of them are two big holes in the ground! Heeelllloooooo?! Is anybody home? Those two craters should be a reminder to the people of this country that this Presidential Administration can't even get a bag of frozen Peas to heal the black eye that this country has had ever since.
You know, in 1994, there was an earthquake in Northridge, CA that registered as a 6.7 on the Richter Scale that collapsed 9 earthquake-resistant freeway overpasses, killed around 60 people, seriously injured around 9,000 people, left over 22,000 people homeless and caused $44 Billion Dollars in damages that ranged from Santa Clarita to Anaheim, and as far west as Santa Monica. Do you know how long it took to fix all that damage?
Two Years.
I'll give you a minute to let that sink in...
Okay, are you alright now? I know that many people in this country still like to think of September 11th as some sort of unifying moment in this country's history; a stepping stone towards us all getting along. Well, those people would be wrong. There were three types of people that saw the Towers fall. The first group suddenly transformed into Captain America and put those stupid fucking flags all over their cars. The second just freaked out and shit their pants. The third group saw it all happen on T.V. and thought, "Fuck, they finally got us back...".
I'm a member of the third group, the realists of this country who realize the history that this country has with the Middle East that goes from the 50's all the way up until now has come back around to us. I'm not saying that I approve of what happened on September 11th, 2001, or that I think we had it coming, but if you stick enough fingers in enough pies for long enough, someone's going to do something about it.
Maybe something like: Running Planes into Buildings.
September 11th, 2001 was a horrible day for this country, yes, but there was a good thing that happened because of it: people here finally figured out that we're attached to the rest of the world. We aren't an island, folks... we don't have a missile shield or force fields protecting us, although it would be cool if we did.
I would personally like to make a suggestion in regards to that day in our history, and I hope no one takes this the wrong way: Time To Get Over It, Folks.
Our Politicians have been using September 11th as a tool to get sympathy from other countries and cultures when they shouldn't. We don't need pity, we need to suck it up, just like our Wrestling Coach in High School used to always tell us, and move on. I'm willing to bet that most people in this country are sick and tired of seeing these insipid "9/11 - We'll Never Forget" stickers on the SUV's that lumber around. You know why people can't forget "9/11"? Because they won't let us, because once you get over the being afraid part of it, they can't manipulate you with it anymore!
Do any of us give a shit what the Color-Coded Terror Chart tells us the condition is? Of course not! We all know that it only gets up to Orange or Yellow if a Democrat is running for the Presidency, right?!
All I'm saying here is that we all know what September 11th did to this country, why can't we just move on? After all, you don't learn from a bad experience if you just dwell on it for the rest of your life, do you?
Wow I couldn't have said it better myself...
I agree with you completely. The truth is they have to keep your people scared in order to justify what they are doing now...
Osama Bin Laden is still out there... no weapons of mass destruction were found... all these things are used to manipulate the public... it's sad really.
Well, I'm pretty sure that most people in this country that walk around and drive on a regular basis know that all the "Terror Advisories" are bullshit.
The problem is that when something really is coming down the pipe and they warn us, it'll be just another thing to ignore.
They've spent five years crying wolf and they wonder why we ignore them.... amazing.
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