Wednesday, July 26, 2006

"It's Good To Be Back..."

For those of you wondering, I've been unable to access my Blog due to Government restrictions placed on my Internet access at work (the only place that I have a computer to use), so I haven't been able to add anything for about two months. I know that there aren't that many people who read this shit that I write, but I felt like explaining it since I'm back.

Also, it turns out that me and Kristi's relationship ending affected me more than I originally thought it would and I probably could've used that time off. Unfortunately, I didn't have access to this Blog, so it kind of ate away at me for a while... but it appears that I'm on the path to recovery at this point. I find it strange that everytime a relationship ends for me, it affects me differently... in this case there was this weird part of me that was relieved that it ended, but the other two parts were guilt and angst... am I the only one that experiences that? I think that this was the most pleasant of all my break-ups, on the other hand, since the last major relationship I had left me a shattered man; bitter and incapable of trusting any woman for any reason. It took me two years to get over that... so by comparison, this one was difficult, but not as bad. It's probably because me and Kristi were good friends in addition to being boyfriend and girlfriend.

Now, there have been a lot of things happening lately that I think need to be addressed... so on with the show!

There’s been a lot of arguing in Washington DC, the South and the Mid-West lately over whether or not Gay men and women should be allowed to have same-sex marriages. You probably noticed that I left out the West Coast and the North-East... it should be obvious why.

Now, here’s something I don’t get. Since when are the people that aren’t going to participate in something like Gay Marriage (excluding of course, all the bitter, closeted Republicans) being allowed to legislate their own bigotry? I personally think making it okay for Gays to marry is a good thing, since with about 50% of straight marriages ending in divorce, the loyalty and understanding of the gay community could help pump up those numbers; showing that not all people that enter into serious “life-time” commitments are total fuck-ups.

Also, who says that marriage has any “Sanctity”, anyway? Last time I checked, the root of marriage back in the middle and dark ages was as a business agreement between families, and the church was the crooked cop that took a “modest stipend”, did the sign of the Cross and looked the other way… what other reason could there be for two thirteen year olds marrying? And don’t give me that crap about how short the human lifespan was back then, that’s just an excuse… and if that’s your reasoning for that kind of thing, you’d allow a ten year old to marry if he were dying of terminal cancer, now wouldn’t you?

I have nothing against marriage, but I also don’t think that it’s the be all and end all of human existence, either. If you wanna get married, cool… feel free. Just don’t try to tell me what’s right and wrong as far as marriage is concerned based off of your narrow interpretation of a clever little collection of children’s fables, alright? I think that this whole subject is just a clever marketing ploy by the Neo-Con’s in Washington to get the ignorant and close-minded to vote for them again, you know what I mean?

I mean, think of it this way: These dipshits (Dipshits "A") elect those dipshits (Dipshits "B") in the hopes that their own ignorant agendas will be advanced, and when Dipshit Group "A" does get them (Dipshits "B") into office, they don’t do any of the shit that they told Dipshit Group "A" they would if they got into office! Sounds to me like someone’s getting fucked in this equation, and it ain’t Dipshit Group B.

Look, Human and Civil Rights dictate that all people are supposed to be treated as equals under the Law, and to stop two men or two women from marrying is very similar to the old Southern Law that said that a Black man or woman couldn't marry a White person. That's some pretty racist shit, but it seems okay for everyone to dogpile on the LGBT (that's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender to those that don't know) community when it comes to marriage. Hey, if anyone wants to get married, feel free to do so, I have no vested interest in your personal life. But I would do one thing: Wish you the best of luck and hope that your marriage lasts and gives you all the happiness you deserve.

And that's regardless of what your sexual preference is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SING IT, SISTER!!! Now that we're buying a house, it's amazing the hoops we have to jump through to have it in both of our names. I found a government .pdf file somewhere of a list of something like over 1,400 rights married people enjoy.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Todd Tobin said...

Well, we can always stage a revolution and storm Washington, DC... I may not know everything, but I do know that at the very least it would be FABULOUS!!!

10:37 AM  

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