Monday, July 31, 2006

"Todd Comes Out!!!"

Okay, I've got to get something off of my chest. It's been something that I've been hiding since about 1996, when I was in the U.S. Navy in Norfolk, VA. I've known it for years but have never really came out and said it to anyone... not even my Mom.

But I have to stop beating around the bush here, so how do I say it?

Man, this is hard... Lance Bass is Gay.

Whew! That's a load off my mind! Do you guys feel better too? What a relief! Group hug!

Seriously, didn't everyone know that Lance Bass was Gay years ago? Hell, the moment I saw him in a video in 1996 I knew! Where's the mystery? Is this entire country totally devoid of even a vestigle form of a "Gay-Dar"? Then again, lots of women were huge fans of George Michael until he finally revealed he was Bi in 1995 or thereabouts.

I make a lot of sweeping generalizations on this Blog and in my everyday life, but not too many when it comes to the LGBT community in this country, and the reason is pretty simple for me... sweeping generalizations are, in essence, the stepping-stones to full-on bigotry.

But seriously... this is about Lance Bass, not the Gay community as a whole. I know that I could make a joke about the "Gay community" and the words "Whole" or "Hole", but I'm not going to. It's too easy on top of it being kind of mean-spirited... funny, but mean-spirited.

In the end (God, another thing that's too easy to make fun of) I say, "Good for you, Lance! Work it, sister!" Coming out of the closet isn't a easy thing to do for most of the Gay sommunity, since they fear reprisals or all-out Gay-bashing by their friends, family or co-workers simply for being themselves, and we should all do our best to accept people for whomever or whatever they are...

... even guys named "Lance".


Blogger Godwhacker said...

Very funny... but don't go all "PC" on us or anything... I ~ We can take a good joke! Now, how many straight boy does it take to change a light-bulb?

2:40 PM  
Blogger Todd Tobin said...

I'm not sure, but there's probably lube involved.

Isn't everybody Gay?!

7:56 AM  

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