Tuesday, April 18, 2006

"A Constant Source Of Amusement"

I've been looking at many of the other Blogs on blogspot.com, and I've got a few observations about them. For the sake of time I'll put this stuff in the form of a numbered list.

1.) Most Bloggers have a bad habit of writing about nothing. Don't get me wrong, occassionally that can be cute and charming in it's own way, but I thought that "Blogs" were supposed to have a purpose (personal observations, personal journal, etc...). I looked at dozens of Blogs over the weekend, and I didn't see any reason for them to exist, aside for some sort of ego-based masturbation. Sure, I stroke my own ego on this Blog, but it's also a humor or satire-based Blog, making it for the entertainment of others, and thus, it has a purpose. http://eeeeeekkk.blogspot.com www.seedingspartanburg.com and http://godwhacker.blogspot.com are perfect examples of being topical and timely, and each have something special to offer... and they all do it in an original way.

2.) Most Bloggers are afraid of Spell-Check. This is something that I am also guilty of from time to time, but in general I am very aware of Grammar and Spelling errors; if you're going to write anything, it's always a good idea to write it first in Microsoft Word to make sure that you're spelling and using the right words in the correct way. For instance, there is a huge difference between "Your, You're and Yore", the same with, "There, Their and They're". These are things that are taught in Elementary School, so if you're an adult... try to be mindful of it, it could save you the hassle of potential embarrassment in the future.

3.) Most Bloggers don't like doing any research on a subject. If you're going to write a segment, article, essay or thesis on a subject... do your research. Now, this doesn't apply to everyone, of course, but it does apply to people that like to write on specific subject matter. Religion and Politics are of course the two biggest topics that come to mind. If you want to write about faith as a topic, try to include a little more than, "Jesus is my Lord and Savior" and quote Biblical scripture... that's not good enough. There are absolutes in this world, but there are many holes that could be poked in your beliefs... try to address those so that when people do comment you're already covered your own ass. It's what Jesus would do, isn't it? The same goes for Politics, although this goes out specifically to Conservatives... if you want to write in a manner that only applies to "Ditto-Heads" or Neo-Cons, that's fine... but at least read something first. Anything from the other side would do, as long as you read something, anything at all that backs up what you think. I would include Liberals in this, but Liberals tend to read on and understand many different subjects and are typically educated enough to see that they can be wrong from time to time, but Conservatives have trouble with that. Of course, that's just an observation... if you think I'm wrong, prove it.

4.) There are too many Blogs owned by one person. I noticed this one problem in particular several times. And in every instance that I saw it, it was totally obvious. Apparently, no one told these guys that it's okay to write on a wide variety of topics on the same Blog. If you want to own several Blogs, that's cool... but at least change the Templates so that they look differant from the others that you own. Remember, you're not Rupert Murdoch, you're just a person who writes stuff... the amount of Blogs is irrellavent, it's the content that counts. I could easily have a separate Blog for Politics, Religion, personal observations and my personal life, but I see that as a waste of time... that's why I have one Blog for all of it.

I guess that the main point of this is that if you're going to put your own thoughts and beliefs on the Internet, you should try to at least put out the best stuff that you can, and that's the main reason for my writing this segment. I'm not being judgemental, I'm presenting you with some constructive criticism so that we can all improve and look better in the eyes of those that visit us in the "Blogosphere".


Blogger shmamber said...

Although I agree with some of your statements about blogs, I have to say that I just use mine as an outlet... some of my friends do the same. I don't really care that the population out there might think that I am boring... I am really! Just remember when you venture out in Blog land there are people just writing for themselves and there is nothing wrong with that....

Sure there have been times where I think I am very funny, but I don't blog for anyone but myself... When you are at home with children you need somewhere to get your thoughts straight and talk to others....

I am not out to entertain anyone, I am just here to pass the time. I am actually making friends I wouldn't have met otherwise.... Don't hold expectations for people.... you are bound to be let down!

9:52 AM  
Blogger Todd Tobin said...

I believe that I said at the end of this segment that I'm not being critical for the sake of being mean-spirited... although, to be quite honest, it would be really easy to do so, and frankly, more fun.

I didn't start a Blog to write my personal thoughts exclusively, I use it as a vehicle for my stand-up material, but I understand that other people do use them for personal expression. Most people write about their lives and the stuff that has either happened to them or people that they know. I have no problem with that... in fact, all the Blogs I named in this segment mainly talk about that kind of stuff, and they do it in a very unique way.

Not all Blogs are meant to be entertaining, but then again, that's not my problem. My problem is with what I mentioned in the posting... and that primarily is for the people out there who do Blog to do so responsibly.

No one wants to be made to look like an ass due to such simple things as Spelling and Grammar errors and a lack of knowledge on a given subject. My parents are educators, so I like to write with the knowledge that they'll probably end up reading it, and then critizing my errors in my writing later on. That's what works for me... but I don't expect everyone else to do the same.

I don't claim to be an authority on Blogs, just a casual observer of a wide variety of different kinds of Blogs that are on the internet. Although it would be honest of me to say that whether or not anyone that does own a Blog intends it to be for public consumption, it still will be.

I once had a girlfriend that had a LiveJournal who had the assumption (which was quite ignorant, by the way) that just because she had a area on the internet for her own private thoughts, that they were only for the entertainment of either her friends and herself. The only problem is that once something is made public, no one can claim exclusivity for it. Meaning, if someone doesn't want criticism for something that they think or do, they shouldn't make it public.

I may think a lot of things, but I keep my mouth shut on them for the sake of not only myself, but for the feelings of others... I feel that is the responsible thing to do 9 times out of 10.

As for your Blog in particular, I don't think I've ever read it before, but I think that I'll check it out. Trust me, I'm more critical of myself than others... I've always wrote and said that. So, when I find out I messed up on something, I either fix it or admit it. But, my rules don't apply to everyone.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Todd Tobin said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, ODA.

10:39 AM  
Blogger shmamber said...

I do mostly agree with you, I said that above; I do like when people use proper grammar and spell check... (I am a spell check queen).

I really wasn't trying to knock what you were saying; just trying to give you another perspective is all.

Wow, I didn't realize that you lived so close to where my boyfriend grew up... he is 2 years older but I wonder if you knew him... Have you lived there long or no?

I hate it when people assume I know someone in Canada so I am not going to ask... but Lancaster is close to Tehachapi isn't it? I think Lancaster is where my step daughter is with her mother and stepfather.... We visited Cali last summer... I had a great time... you live in a very beautiful place.

11:29 AM  
Blogger Todd Tobin said...

Lancaster is about an hour or so drive South from Tehachapi, and an hours drive North from L.A.

I moved here with my family in the late-80's from L.A., but have lived in several different cities and States since then (North Carolina, South Dakota, Virginia, New York, etc...)and it's pretty doubtful that I've met your boyfriend. Overall, I've lived in this area of California for about 10 years on and off.

There are about half-a-million people that live out here after all, so chances are pretty slim that I've met him, but it's still possible.

To call this barren desert moonscape a "Beautiful Place" is a bit of a misnomer... but I know a lot of people that love it out here. A couple of them are even from Canada.

Unfortunately, I'm more of a city person, so I think it all comes down to personal tastes in regards to beauty. I went to Windsor, Canada once with a friend when I was in the Navy in '97 with a friend from Detroit, and I thought it was pretty nice there. Toronto was pretty cool too.

Plus, there's always something to be said for a National Health Care System.

11:46 AM  
Blogger shmamber said...

No shit... Our health system is great! That is why Brian is here and we are not there....

His name is Brian Tate... He was also in the Navy... funny there isn't that much for options where you guys are from. Unless of course you move away. He was in Guam though for a good portion of his time in the Navy. Lancaster and Tehachapi are not that populated... I know California has many people... (The population of California is the same as the population of Canada)... That is why I asked if you lived there long... Oh well... I was hoping that just maybe you would know him and would give up some good stories...lol.

I knew it was a long shot... I will visit your blog... you entertain me! I just bookmarked you...

12:02 PM  
Blogger Todd Tobin said...

Thanks for writing me, Shmamber... my next posting will be about California, and how it's struggling despite it's success.


12:10 PM  
Blogger Todd Tobin said...

Alright, Dracul, I'll have to respond to this issue of yours with the alacrity of a Greek God on Crystal Meth, since the day is ending, and like all good Irishmen, I need a beer.

I love the British, since you guys are the masters of Irony and Sarcasm (don't think that I didn't notice... I've seen your Blog in the past). I grew up on English comedies (theatrical and otherwise), so I see your point. I am not a writer by trade, nor do I assume that a fair majority of those that have the manual dexterity to type will do so entirely without error.

I ask only that those that do write, not only of themselves but of their kin and life experiences, take care in being at least vain enough to make themselves and those they talk about in their writings look good while doing it.

Sure, I can read most internet gibberish, but that's fast becoming a language in and of itself when it doesn't need to be. Only Court Transcriptionists and Old-School Office people need to learn to read short-hand chicken-scratch and decipher it for the edification of others. More often than not, spelling and grammar errors are from the singular cause of laziness... although I can't blame anyone for being lazy now and again.

Also, I know enough about the history of the word "Yank" to know that it isn't an affectionate or friendly term for those of us who live in the "Colonies".

Thanks for stopping by and putting a monkey wrench in my well-oiled machine of nonsense, Dracul.

And why does everyone take offense to this post?! I only wrote it in regards to shitty Blogs, and apparently, everyone thinks that their Blog is one of those! Dracul, Shmamber, VagrantPoet, Godwhacker, Laura... this post doesn't apply to you!


3:33 PM  
Blogger shmamber said...

It is okay... I think you hit a nerve with me because I have been subjected to people calling my blog lame or telling me that my blog lacks something....

I just write for me, that is it. I love input, I thrive on it. I like people visiting... That is why you hit a nerve with me I guess. Wasn't you at all really, well it wasn't just you. You are not the only person that has critiqued blogs... many do.

I like Drac because he makes me think. I don't necessarily agree with him all the time, but I like to be challenged and he does this for me. He is very insightful and intelligent, yet his views on American's can be a little harsh at times. I also know though that he has a good heart and well who knows maybe his views can be changed as well.

Oh well, I am going to run... just wanted to tell you why I took offense is all... not that it was really that I took offense to your post, I just wanted to tell you that if you feel that way "your bound to be let down"...lol :P

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Show the Irish Gaelic scratch and accent I knew you to have oh so well, sir!
I think its hilarious when anyone tries to defend their bad grammatical errors! Most Blogs suck, hence why I dont read them except yours just to see how you're doing. email me sometime. Geoff has my email address and you can snatch it up from him.


10:18 PM  
Blogger Todd Tobin said...

Will do, Big C...

10:55 AM  

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