"What Happened To You, Dennis?!"

Then September 11th happened, and an invisible line was drawn across the political spectrum in this country, the “You’re with us or you’re our enemy” crowd that blindly pledged allegiance to the President being on one side, and the “Sorry, but we can think for ourselves, thank you very much” crowd that was called “Anti-American” for having our own opinions on the reasons behind the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center on the other. Dennis chose his side after those events, and guess which side he picked… gee, I wonder? Three years later, in “The Raw Feed”, Dennis said that he likes Bush 2, Electric Boogaloo because, “He’s not Bill Clinton.” As a comic, I go out of my way to say that I don’t endorse anybody, since I know that nearly all (99.9999992%) of politicians are corrupt, and endorsing a corrupt system would say that I myself am corrupt.
Most people that know me know that I’m a Progressive (that’s “Liberal” to some) but I’m generally willing to give most people a chance to prove themselves as far as being a reliable human being is concerned, but for a comic like Dennis, who went after every President we had, from the Nixon Administration to Bush II: The Sequel (at first), he never endorsed any of them, instead he opted to make fun of their failings and shortcomings… nothing wrong with that. Talk all you want about Clinton, but at least he could pronounce “Didn’t” like how it’s spelled, unlike Dubya, who pronounces it, “Dudn’t” and apparently doesn’t understand that he is one of the worst Presidents in the recent history of this failing pseudo-Democracy. But, this isn’t really about President Bush, it’s about Dennis.
Oh, what a difference an invite to hang out with the President at the White House and getting a couple of rides on Air Force One makes. Dennis went from “Dennis Miller Live” on HBO to his thankfully short-lived “Talk” show on CNBC… which he used as a platform to talk up the virtues of our Special-Ed President and his cronies in the Administration. He often peppered his conversations with a variety of guests with old lines from his monologues on HBO and his “Rants” book series, and his lack of originality, as well as his self-plagiarism, frustrated me, as I watched the slow descent of one of my favorite comics transforming into a mouth-piece for a self-serving, vapid regime. It would be like seeing Richard Pryor, George Carlin or Lenny Bruce walk up on stage and say that McCarthyism was just what this country needed, and that segregation was great for the Black population.
Comics, in my mind, are meant to come out on stage and tell it like it is, and not be P.R. men or women for anyone. Stand-Ups are supposed to be the voice of rebellion; pointing out when something is fucked up, and not lying to themselves and the audience because of political ideology. What has happened to Dennis is what happens to many firebrands in any field of Entertainment… he sold out for the sake of money; like the old phrase goes, “There’s not such thing as a 50-year-old ‘Rebel’ Millionaire”. He knew that he would make more bookings in the heartland by putting a Conservative spin on his established style of multi-syllabic rants and tirades aimed at specific people or topics. In High School, many of my friends didn’t like Dennis, being that his sense of humor was very smug, but what they really didn’t like was how erudite his perspective of the world was… in other words, he was smarter than us, and he let us know through his mastery of the language.
That was the Dennis that I admired, but that Dennis may be dead and gone… he has a new HBO Special on January 19th and I’ll watch it to see if the Dennis that most of us had come to know and respect has returned back to the fold, or stayed with the conformists. I still listen to the Audio Books on Tape that Dennis made in the past, since they’re still as funny as they were on the day that I bought them, but in the back of my mind, there is always the specter of who Dennis is now, versus who he was back then… and it creeps me out.
Interesting; my sister went to college with him and liked his "progressive" views and humor, but I admit I haven't listened to any of his stuff lately. I just may have to tune in to his special and check it out.
Ah, sweet, gentle Laura... I know you're from Texas (there's nothing wrong with that, my Step-Brother lives in Coleman) and I figured that you'd be Republican... just going off of my color-coded "Political Preference Reference Map", and there's nothing wrong with that either.
Voting for Bush and realizing it was a bad idea is like saying the worm at the bottom of a bottle of Tequila tastes awful... it's not the worm that tastes bad, it's how you got to the worm that tastes bad.
Cheer up, at least you'll know better next time. Most people that voted for Bush regret it now, but as a Progressive, I don't feel the urge to say, "I told you so" since it accomplishes nothing... I just invite you to make fun of him like you, as a Stand-Up, are supposed to... I mean, look at him! It's so easy!
And if you didn't like Dennis before, that's fine too... a lot of people don't.
As for you, Eryc... I'll just talk to you at your office.
okay I have to say I have no clue who Dennis Miller is. I thought I did for a moment, but I was thinking of Barney Miller, or Dennis Leary.
Regardless when it comes to comedy, TRUE comedy comes from truth. You can't influence it, you can't bend it, and you can't tell half of it. But I'm sure everyone has to do a Shaq play in some point in their lives when they sell out for that last "heive-ho" of cash before they fade into oblivion in an attempt to live on as they were in their audio tapes...that is until they begin distributing at 2am on informercials.
Bush or "Dubya"...first of all I must say I was raised to respect people...but Mr. President...*sigh* I was disgusted when he walked away from that press conference and the doors wouldn't open. The way he stopped and looked at everyone and smiled with that shyt faced look...he's totally rehearsed. It was apparent him and Laura didn't over that "what if" scenario.
The bigger issue:
If they let him be President...TWICE what other Clampett will come out of the hills?
I'm willing to be that it's "This is a story about a man named 'JEB'"
And if they try to pass off that retard... than it's all over.
Hey Laura, it's not bad not being a "Political Comic", there's no failing in telling stories that you experienced personally, since they're things that are true.
Just e-mail me at my work e-mail and we can go back and forth some more if you want. Here it is: todd.tobin.ctr@edwards.af.mil feel free to write me if you get bored or if you've got something that you want to talk about.
And that goes for everyone else who reads my stuff... write me personally.
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