Monday, December 12, 2005

"Have a Holly, Jolly, (Fill in the Blank)"

Hey everyone... this one won't be too long, and I'll try my best to keep it as light-hearted as possible, so here we go!

There has been a lot of discussion regarding when or if it's appropriate to mention "Christmas" by name in most retail stores this year, largely by the news hacks at Fox News, and it's really a stupid agrument to have. I, not being a person of faith, could give two shits about whether or not Christmas is mentioned by name, but then again, I don't think that any specific holiday should be mentioned. A lot of people like to note that this is a largely Christian country that we live in, and they're right, but that doesn't mean that most of the Christians in this country are observant Christians... and they would probably be people who would rather just skip over the whole holiday season and avoid the vapid greed and consumerism that have always been hallmarks of the end of the year.

Christmas isn't about the little baby Jesus, laying in swaddling clothes, surrounded by a barnyard menagerie while a lone star twinkles overhead. It's about spending some hard-earned-time with your family, seeing a relative that lives five states away and catching up on the good old days or serving Christmas Dinner at your local Homeless Shelter... not Wal-Mart or Target being considerate of everyone else in the world when it comes to their beliefs. I think that it's funny that the people that say they believe in Christ the most are the ones that seem to believe that if Jesus were here today, he'd be this prick who ran around the Wal-Mart in his loin cloth all day yelling, "It's my Birthday, you assholes!!! Acknowledge me, I need validation!!! Aarrrgghh!!!".

Last time I checked, Jesus didn't mention getting the best deals in the local markets after Thanksgiving Day, either. If you are a Christian, I'm not writing this to offend you... I'm just saying that the reason for the season is being a good human being for a mere two weeks out of the year, and if you think that just because you believe what you do, you should be shown more courtesy... grow up. The month isn't meant for just you to enjoy... it's meant for everyone to enjoy.

So get off of your high horse and try not being so damned selfish... it's what Jesus would do, isn't it?

Have a Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice or whatever, everyone... just enjoy your time off and stop worrying about all the other crap... it'll come back after January 3... I promise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE the Christmas expectation. So much so i deliberatley subject myself to the self-fulfilment prophecy that I won't be able to get everyone gifts.

It's funny....Thanksgiving I was sitting on a $5000 cushion. Today I'm waiting for my paycheck so i can cash it and buy lunch. And then I have to spend it on a tree and other symbolic crap.


12:06 PM  
Blogger Todd Tobin said...

Here, Here! The lady agrees!


1:02 PM  

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